Ozone Laundry Systems

Australian Installations
Our Australian made Ozone Laundry System
has been connected to over a thousand commercial and industrial washing machines in hundreds of Australian laundry facilities ranging from aged care, hospitals, hotels, commercial laundries and correctional facilities.
Saving on average 50% water costs, 95-100% hot water and the energy associated with heating that water, 95-100% booster heating for the washer and 35% energy reduction in the tumbler dryers.
The OLS range of Ozone Laundry Systems are the first choice for water and energy savings in any laundry application.
Commonly installed in existing laundry facilities and a must-have for any new laundry development or retrofit. Typically offering a payback in 8-18 months, it is one of the best investments a laundry facility can make in terms of cost savings for on-premise laundry operators or enhancing additional profits for commercial laundry operators.
Contact our professional team today for a no obligation assessment of the savings you can make in your laundry facility.
Contact us today

Shorter washing and drying times
45+% Overall water and sewer volume reduction
95-100% Hot water savings
95-100% Internal; booster heating in the washer
35% Gas savings in the dryer
Longer linen life
Chemical savings
Save on infrastructure costs when building a new laundry including reducing the size of your washer(s)